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Swami Vivekananda has considered the development of inherent powers in the human mind as the aim of education. Education is an integral part of the nation's development process. Education makes humans capable of making proper use of their abilities. It is the means of human development. "Literature is not artless: Clearly uncultivated: unclothed:" | Education is possible only by developing Indian values ​​and moral qualities. It makes humans capable of distinguishing between right and wrong. The real education is the same, which helps us to achieve a goal of literally making a prudent man and achieving the goal of "I am a Sadoggam Thamos ma Jyotargam". Currently, we are progressing continuously with scientific and technological advancement, but human values ​​and character qualities seem to be lacking everywhere. For social development, there is a need for citizens who have such characteristic, determinative and moral conduct, who are helpful in nation building. They are creative and positive thoughts. The college campus is committed to creating such an environment where both teachers and learners will be "tolerant Bhunketu co
Reinforcing the ideal of "semen is done" and helps in the formation of a nation. Nelson Madela has considered education as a great means of social change. Today, there is a competition for development and change everywhere. It is our obligation to preserve our culture and traditions in this race of modernization. The harmonization of education in innovation and antiquity is very helpful in the all-round development of the society. For the sake of it, we have to move one foot from one foot to another on the land of the traditions and move from one foot to modernism.

For the modernization of the country and society in the right sense, such education system is necessary which is the science and technology
Use the best of the students to develop scientific tendencies and perspectives in the students and introduce them to the names and skills of the field. My imagination is to maintain such education system in my college. It is a matter of satisfaction that in the era of specialization of education, professionally skilled and skillful in our subject, our teachers-teachers are able to teach their knowledge, experience and subject matter to students through effective teaching and creative and creative of the students
Conscious of being encouraged and motivated by trends In addition to the additional educational activities, in order to develop activism, healthy competitiveness and confidence among students, from time to time, co-passive verbs are organized. Keeping in mind the success of learning-learning in college, our full endeavor is to create a suitable whole environment in which all the elements and conditions of the educational environment and appropriate opportunities for the expression of the students are available. In order to maintain higher education and to maintain high quality, we expect students to assimilate such qualities as integrity, hard work, study and independence, become discriminative, and keep in mind that the freedom of discipline is meaningless. Discipline is a means of bringing more efficiency in academic work and the aim of discipline in the college is to create such habits, interests and adolescents in the learners so that they get personal and c ++. Our goal is to maintain high education and to maintain high quality in our institution, which is our goal to remain active.